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Mat. McHugh Live A Tanks - Review

Looking like a young Leonard Cohen in his hat Mat. Mchugh took to the stage and started off with a classic off The Beautiful Girls Spooks Album, My Mind is an Echo Chamber then launcehed into the title track of his new album Love Come Save Me.

This was Mat's first show since returning from a Beautiful Girls tour to Brazil only returning last week and the very first solo show he has played which was great for the audience and a coup for the team @ Tanks.

The effects and loops Mat weaved into some of his songs made it feel like he was accompanied by a whole band and left the audience wondering how so much talent can be poured into one soul.

This has been one of the stand out concerts in the past few years here in cairns and one that I think as McHugh's star rises many more people will say they were there than the 500 or so that had tickets and really were there.

McHugh seemed surprisingly caught out by the 10pm curfew and looked like he could have played for another hour. nonetheless this show was absolutely fantastic and if Mat is playing somewhere near you make the effort to get along.

Read or interview with Mat McHugh HERE

Love Come Save Me is out now and can be downloaded for free or you can purchase a signed physical copy at http://www.lovecomesaveme.com/